In a harrowing incident on the Las Vegas Strip, a shooting has left a young man critically injured, and his mother reveals the devastating possibility of paralysis. The heart-wrenching story unfolds in the Channel 8 news report, “Mother of Las Vegas Strip Shooting Victim Says Son May Be Paralyzed, Suspect in Custody.” With the suspect apprehended, the article delves into the details of the incident, exploring the emotional toll on the victim’s family and shedding light on the ongoing investigation surrounding this tragic event that has shaken the community.
Tommy Burns Commenting on LV Strip Violence on Ch 8 News
By Tommy J Burns|2024-05-24T15:02:35+00:00October 18, 2020|Security Consulting, Security Expertise|Comments Off on Tommy Burns Commenting on LV Strip Violence on Ch 8 News
About the Author: Tommy J Burns
Tommy Burns, a retired police chief, is a Security & Police Consultant, practicing in Forensic Consulting and expert witness testimony. He was previously a contractor consultant to the Southern Nevada Counter Terrorism Center (SNCTC) as the Privacy Officer. He was a faculty instructor in Criminal Justice and Security for the University of Phoenix. Mr. Burns previously served as security director for several Hotel-Casino properties in the Las Vegas Valley.